Work in Progress
Book: “Infrastructural Life in the City of Mumbai: A History of the Construction Industry”
![Colonial India Book Cover Image](images/sturman-book-colonial-india.jpg)
Article: “Skill in Construction” [Submitted to Public Culture, special issue on “Subaltern Urbanisms”]
The Government of Social Life in Colonial India: Liberalism, Religious Law and Women’s Rights, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Journal Forum
“Gender and the Human,” Gender & History 23, 2 (August 2011).
“Indian Indentured Labor and the History of International Rights Regimes.” American Historical Review, 119, 5 (December 2014): 1439-1465.
Invited contribution: “Marriage & Family in Colonial Hindu Law.” In Hinduism and Law: An Introduction. Cambridge Companion Series. Edited by Timothy Lubin, Donald R. Davis, Jr., & Jayanth K. Krishnan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010: 89-104.
“Marriage and the Morality of Exchange: Defining the Terrain of Law in Late Nineteenth Century Western India.” In Decentering Empire: Britain, India, and the Transcolonial World. Edited by Durba Ghosh and Dane Kennedy. Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 2006: 51–75.
“Property and Attachments: Defining Autonomy and the Claims of Family in Nineteenth-Century Western India.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 47, 3 (July 2005): 611–637.